happy couple checking their checklist for moving home

The Ultimate Checklist For Moving House

Updated Jun 2024

Whether it’s a long-awaited escape to a new city or a cosy upgrade closer to family, moving signifies a fresh start and exciting possibilities. But amidst the exhilaration of moving house, it can be a little stressful. This comprehensive checklist equips you with the knowledge and tools to navigate every stage of your move, transforming it from an overwhelming experience to a well-orchestrated adventure.

The Pre-Move Prep (8-12 Weeks Before)

Moving is the perfect excuse to shed unwanted baggage. Dedicate at least 8 weeks to decluttering. Sort through each room, discarding anything broken, unused, or no longer sparking joy. Decluttering not only streamlines the packing process but also reduces moving costs and makes settling into your new home a breeze. 

Tackle each room systematically. Donate gently used clothes and household items to charities or sell them online. If you haven’t used a product in the last year, consider letting it go. For sentimental items, consider taking photos or creating a memory box.

Craft Your Moving Plan

Organisation is key to a smooth move. Invest in a sturdy binder to become your moving headquarters. Here’s what to include:

  • Moving Checklist: Print a copy of this checklist or create your own using a template.
  • Quotes from Movers: Gather quotes from several reputable moving companies for comparison.
  • Moving Budget: Estimate all your moving-related expenses, including movers, packing supplies, insurance, and temporary housing or storage.
  • Important Documents: Keep copies of passports, driver’s licences, moving contracts, and insurance documents readily accessible.
  • Contact Information: Compile a list of contact details for movers, utility companies, new home management, and anyone involved in the move.

Budgeting and Finances

Moving can be expensive. Create a realistic moving budget that accounts for all anticipated costs, including:

  • Research different levels of support you would need for house clearance and moving. It is advisable to consider budget options for small vans or large vans depending on the distance to find the best fit for your specific needs.
  • Boxes, packing tape, bubble wrap, and other materials can add up. Consider buying used boxes or borrowing from friends.
  • Factor in fuel costs or car rental fees if driving yourself.
  • If there’s a gap between moving out and moving in, include the cost of a hotel or short-term lease.

Packing (6-8 Weeks Before)

After the pre-move tasks, it’s time to tackle the second stage of the house-moving task. Here’s how to transform packing from a dreaded chore to a strategic operation:

Tips for Packing

  • Begin packing 6-8 weeks before your move date.
  • Work your way through each room, systematically packing essential items first. Pack seasonal items, decorations, and out-of-season clothing well in advance.
  • Label every box clearly on multiple sides with the room it belongs to and a brief description of the contents. Include “fragile” items and arrows indicating “this side up”.
  • Pack heavier items in smaller boxes and lighter items in larger boxes. Place heavier items at the bottom of the boxes for stability.
  • Fill empty spaces in boxes with packing peanuts or crumpled paper to prevent items from shifting during transport.
  • Pack a separate “essentials” box containing items you’ll need on moving day and the first night in your new home. Include toiletries, medications, chargers, a change of clothes, pyjamas, and basic cleaning supplies.
  • Invest in a variety of sturdy cardboard boxes in different sizes. You can also reuse boxes from friends or local businesses.

Scheduling and Logistics (4-6 Weeks Before)

With the packing well underway, it’s time to focus on scheduling and logistics to ensure a smooth moving day.

  • Contact Utility Companies: Notify your current utility providers (electricity, gas, water, internet) of your move-out date and schedule disconnection for the day after you move out.
  • Research New Home Providers: Research utility companies in your new location and schedule a connection for the day before you move in. This ensures you have essential services like electricity and internet upon arrival.
  • Consider Paperless Billing: Opt for paperless billing to avoid service disruptions during the move.

Hiring Movers or DIY?

Decide if you’ll hire a professional house removal service or opt for a DIY approach. Consider factors like budget, the size of your move, and the availability of manpower to help. If hiring movers, obtain quotes from several reputable companies and compare their services, insurance options, and pricing structures.

Once you’ve chosen a moving company, book your moving date well in advance, especially during peak moving seasons. Consider hiring professional services at Bellview Transport for house removals, particularly for fragile items or valuable belongings.

Preparing Your Current Home

  • Schedule Deep Cleaning: Schedule a professional removal for your current home after you move out, especially if you’re getting your security deposit back.
  • Change of Address: Notify the post office and other relevant institutions (banks, credit cards, magazine subscriptions) of your change of address at least 2 weeks before your move.
  • Transfer Medical Records: Contact your doctor’s office to request copies of your medical records. Consider using a service to electronically transfer them to your new doctor’s office.
  • Update School Records: If you have children, inform their schools of your move and obtain their transcripts and immunisation records. Enrol them in your new district’s schools well in advance.
  • Parking Permits and DVLA Update: Apply for parking permits in your new neighbourhood and update your vehicle registration and driver’s licence with your new address.

Moving Day Tips (1-2 Weeks Before)

Pack a separate bag containing essentials you’ll need readily available on moving day and the first night in your new home. Include:

  • Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, etc.)
  • Medications
  • Phone chargers
  • Snacks and drinks
  • Change of clothes and pyjamas
  • Paper towels and toilet paper
  • Multi-tool
  • Pain relievers
  • Flashlight and batteries

Moving Day Preparations

  • Cash on Hand: Have enough cash on hand for moving day expenses like tolls, tips for movers, or unexpected purchases.
  • Defrost the Fridge: Defrost your refrigerator a day or two before moving day to prevent water damage during transport.
  • Important Documents: Keep a folder containing all your important documents (moving contracts, insurance papers, passports) readily accessible on moving day.

Settling In and Unpacking

Now comes the exciting yet equally crucial phase – settling into your new home. Start by unpacking essentials in the rooms you’ll use most frequently, like the bathroom and bedroom. This ensures you have a functional living space from the get-go.

Utilise the colour-coding system you implemented during packing to efficiently identify boxes destined for each room. Avoid the temptation to open everything at once. Methodically unpack one box at a time, placing items in their designated locations. This prevents clutter and makes the space feel less overwhelming.

How Bellview Can Help

Moving house can be very exciting, it’s like a fresh start. We hope that our blog has been helpful and you’re all prepared with ideas for your move. For professional and reliable house removal services, look no further. Check our house removal services for more information. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch at 01865 744993 or head over to our contact page to fill in our online enquiry form.